Nick Jr. Wiki

Characters Present[]


Joe has invented a brand new game called Presto Change Joe, and his idea is catching on with the other characters. We have fun in taking part in new games, doing things like playing pretend and imitating behaviors. A game of Periwinkle's provides an opportunity for memorization. We also join in a game of Felt Friends in a skidoo segment and act out something based on things that are lying around her room like a cow, a basketball, and a telescope. The question is where can Blue's new game be played?


  • Question: Where can we go to play Blue's game?
  • Clues:
    • 1. Friends
    • 2. A Ball
    • 3. A Slide
  • Answer: Park/Playground
  • Living room picture: A picture of 3 cards, then 3 balls
  • Felt frame picture: 3 felt friends (clue) 3 felt friends (not a pawprint) then Felt frame room (skidoo location)
  • Colored Shirts: Yellow for the playground, and Green for Presto-Change-Joe
  • Snail Appearances: (1. In the plant) (2. behind the Thinking Chair) (3. next to the flower bed)

Words and Sounds in the Taxi Game[]

  • Taxi: Vroom, vroom!
  • Street: Honk, honk!
  • People: Ooh!



  • Periwinkle is in the Blue's Clues house for this episode.
  • The episode ends with Joe and Blue at the playground.
  • This is the only time where Joe finds the third clue in the skidoo segment in his yellow shirt.
  • This episode used the "There!" phrase from Can You Help?.
  • This episode used the "A Clue! A Clue!" phrase from Blue's Big Costume Party.
  • His hair in the theme song looks like the next episode.
  • This is the last episode to be air in 2002.
  • This is the second time Joe changes his shirt mid-episode after Colors Everywhere!.
  • Joe wears a yellow squared shirt for most of this episode, but he changes into a green squared shirt once for the Presto-Change-Joe game.
  • In the credits, a creaking sound is heard earlier to accompany that Mailbox is coming. This happens again in I Did That!. Franny the felt friend also does a trick with the red ball that Blue uses to roll down the slide, waving goodbye.
  • There's a unique tuba tune heard when drawing the first clue (Friends). This is one of the few episodes that this has happened.
    • Additionally, when Joe draws the first clue, the notebook drawing footage that was first used in Bedtime Business was seen.
  • This is the only episode where Joe skidoos in something off the ground in his yellow shirt.
    • In all other episodes with Joe in his yellow shirt, he skidoos in something on the ground.
      • Every skidoo with Joe wearing his yellow shirt was into a place in the living room.
  • At the playground, Joe sings The So Long Song sitting down on the wooden bridge.
  • When Periwinkle makes up a game about a taxi, he turns it into a song.
  • This is Joe's version of Blue Wants To Play A Game, as well as Pretend Time since Periwinkle's and Franny's games involved actions of pretending.
  • In the letter, the kids guess what fish they are outside and play the animal game with the ball while rolling it inside.


  • When Joe says "We get to sit in our..." and the kid says "Thinking Chair!", the captions say "We could just set an hour..." before the kid says "Thinking Chair!".

