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Blue's Book Nook is the 15th episode of Blue's Clues from Season 4. It was originally planned to air in January 3, 2002, however, it delayed in November 26, 2003.

Characters Present[]


Blue has her own book nook where she has organized her books into sections. We read some of the books and also help out some of the characters to find books that they need to help them out with things. Later, we visit the library, where Marlee the deaf librarian helps Steve to find a book about elephants. We learn about reading, categories, classification, the alphabet, and more.


  • Question: What does Blue want to read about?
  • Clues:
    • 1. Template:Color
    • 2. Up
    • 3. A Cloud
  • Answer: The sky
  • Place: The library
  • Living room picture: Drawings of various people reading a book

Video Releases[]

  • Reading with Blue (VHS, 2002)
  • Big, Blue and Just for You! Volume 6 (VHS, 2002)
  • Ready to Read (VHS, 2003)


Watch Episode[]



  • On May 23, 2008, when this show was pulled from Nickelodeon's lineup, this was the last episode to be broadcast.
  • Veronica McCarthy is one of Steve's friends in this episode, related to Kevin McCarthy, a future electrician of the spin-off, Blue's Room.
  • This is the second time that Steve and Blue went to the library. Their first time was in "Geography".
  • Before Marlee appeared on this episode, she made her first appearance on the VHS tape titled "All Kinds of Signs".
  • There is no "Blue Skidoo" segment in this episode.
  • This episode aired exactly two years after "What's Inside?" premiered.
  • The library has a two-week checkout period. In "Geography", its checkout period was only one week.
  • Marlee Matlin receives a "Featuring" credit.
  • There is no UK, As Pistas da Blue or Korean version because the producers could not find a replacement for Marlee.
  • In the Mailtime Segment, Mailbox gives Steve the letter very quickly, saying that he wants to get back to reading his book to find out the ending.
  • Sidetable Drawer's face appears during the "So Long Song".
  • In the second clue, Steve mentioned "Taming of the Shrew" and said that he didn't read it and he asked if the viewers read it.
  • All of the characters and their actions except for Blue created so far appeared during the credits.


  • After Steve drew the color Template:Color, Steve was holding a Template:Color crayon instead of a Template:Color crayon.

Template:Blue's Clues Season 4 Episodes Mailbox]] Kitten]] Puppy]]

[[Category:Epis Credits]] Credits]] appear]] ] [[Category:Episod appear]] Credits]] Credits]] Credits]]
