Bounce is a main character in Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends. Description[]This 7-year-old little bed bug is the Biter of the pack. she does everything at lightning speed, which means she often acts and speaks before she thinks. she's very forgetful. "Oops. I forgot" is her refrain, but she means well so it's easy to forgive her. Miss Spider is always trying to get her to eat a good meal because she can go days without eating. When she does sit still long enough to eat, she's ravenous and can wolf down everything in sight. Looks[]Bounce is colored mostly dark blue. She has two yellow eyes with black pupils. Her legs are short, and she wears red shoes. Appearances[]She appears in many episodes of Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends. she debuted in "I'll Fly Away" and appeared last in "Cob Fog."