Mayor Humdinger becomes HumCatDingerMan to steal the spotlight from the Cat Pack.
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Cat Pack
- Wild
- Rory
- Shade
- Leo
- Cap'n Turbot
- Chickaletta
- Danny (non-speaking cameo)
- Francois Turbot
- Julia Goodway
- Julius Goodway
- Kitten Catastrophe Crew
- Mayor Goodway
- Mayor Humdinger
- Mice
- Mr. Porter
- Ms. Marjorie (non-speaking cameo)
- Adventure Bay Residents
Out in town square, the PAW Patrol are helping Mayor Goodway set up a stage for a ceremony, in which the Cat Pack will be honored as heroes for their good deeds. However, shortly after the Cat Pack arrive, a very jealous Mayor Humdinger, who witnesses Leo's fearful reaction to a mouse, kidnaps said mouse and hides it inside a briefcase.
As the ceremony begins, Mayor Goodway opens the briefcase to retrieve the medals, releasing the mouse, which startles her and Leo. As the mouse scampers off, several more mice appear and invade the area, resulting in Cat Rubble falling into the sewers, Cat Rocky and Cat Skye getting stuck on Danny's runaway cycle, and the rest of the Kitten Catastrophe Crew being lifted away by balloons.
While Mayor Humdinger seizes the chance to become a hero, Ryder summons the PAW Patrol and the Cat Pack to the Lookout, where they are suited up in their standard gear and briefed on their mission. Afterwards, Ryder assigns Skye to use her copter to rescue the kitties carried away by balloons, Wild to use his speed to save the kitties on Danny's runaway cycle, and Rory to use her agility skills to help the kitties or any mice stuck in hard-to-reach spots. With that, Skye and Wild slide down into their respective vehicles, and, along with Rory, set off with Ryder back into town square.
Once the PAW Patrol arrive, Skye and Wild set off to rescue the kitties just before Mayor Humdinger returns as "HumCatDingerMan". In an attempt to steal the spotlight, HumCatDingerMan follows Rory, who rescues Cat Rubble, into the sewers, bouncing all over the place until he gets stuck in-between the sewer grate. After calling Leo for backup to free him, Ryder calls Chase, Marshall, Shade and Rubble for additional backup to clear the mice, which are spooking Leo, from the area. Using Mr. Porter's stink bean Limburger special, as well as Chase's megaphone, the group catch the mice's attention and lure them away from the area, allowing Leo to pull HumCatDingerMan out with his lion strength. However, a mouse appears on HumCatDingerMan's back, startling Leo, who accidentally sends HumCatDinger flying toward the balloons. He frees the kitties, allowing Skye to rescue them in a basket, but bounces onto Danny's runaway cycle with the other two kitties as it veers into town in the process. Fortunately, Wild is able to stop the cycle with his gripper claws, sending HumCatDingerMan, as well as the two kitties, flying once more.
After Rory rescues Cat Rocky and Cat Skye, the mice abandon the cheese and resume their search for their missing friend, who is clinging onto HumCatDingerMan's back as he bounces throughout town, eventually getting stuck in the straw on the roof. On Ryder's command, Chase deploys his net before Rory climbs up the cup to retrieve the mouse and push HumCatDingerMan to safety. However, after she arrives, HumCatDingerMan jumps in an attempt to save himself and lands onto the net as the mouse loses its grip on his back and falls. Worried for its safety, Leo pushes his fear of mice aside and leaps into the air to rescue it.
With the day saved, the ceremony is resumed, and Mayor Goodway thanks the PAW Patrol for their help before rewarding each of the Cat Pack members with a medal. Afterwards, everyone celebrates with a cheer, except for Mayor Humdinger, whose suit gets stuck to a pole.
Pups in Action[]
First Responders (1st Emergency)[]
- Use her copter to find and rescue the kitties carried away by balloons.
- Use his super speed and gripper claws to stop Danny's runaway cycle.
- Use her agility skills to rescue Cat Rubble.
Backup Responders (1st Emergency)[]
Rubble + Shade
- Use their vehicles to attract the mice with stinky cheese.
- Use his megaphone to get the mice's attention.
- Pull Mayor Humdinger out with his lion strength.
- Translate what the mice are saying.
First Responders (2nd Emergency)[]
- Leap into the air to rescue Cat Rocky and Cat Skye. Later, use her agility skills to reach Mayor Humdinger and the mouse on the roof.
Backup Responders (2nd Emergency)[]
- Set up a net underneath Mayor Humdinger.
- Rescue the mouse.