When a lost world of dinosaurs is discovered, Mayor Humdinger wants to take dino eggs back to Foggy Bottom but along the way a baby Brachiosaurus ends up in dino-sized trouble! The pups are ready for a dino rescue!
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Robo-Dog
- Rex (debut)
- Baby triceratops (debut)
- Benny (debut)
- Brachiosaurus (debut)
- Cap'n Turbot (mentioned)
- Dr. Tammy Turbot (debut)
- Jake (mentioned)
- Kitten Catastrophe Crew
- Mayor Humdinger
- Taylor Turbot (debut)
- Triceratops (debut)
- Tyrannosaurus Rex (debut)
- Tyrese (debut)
It all begins at the beach where the PAW Patrol pups are having fun. Marshall wonders when Ryder will return. Rocky and Zuma pondered the same thing until then Ryder rallied the pups to the Lookout for their surprise. The pups are happy to see Ryder until he called a new PAW Patrol member, Rex. The Paw Patrol are happy to meet him and they welcomed him into Adventure Bay, Zuma commented on how his wheelchair is cool. Rex tells them that it helps him move around. Rex' name drops the six PAW Patrol pups and mixes up Rubble and Rocky (as they both correct him). Skye is shocked to see that Rex is the only pup from Dino Land and then Ryder tells Robo-Dog that they are ready to go. Marshall asks if they were taking the PAW Patroller, but Ryder decides to take the Dino Patroller as it was the only way to get to Rex' home.
Along the way, Mayor Humdinger and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew are on the way when they notice the new Paw Patrol vehicle, with evil intentions they trail the PAW Patrol behind. They head via Jake's Mountain to a big cave ornamented by prehistoric creatures. They pass through a cave and then emerge behind a waterfall. The pups are in awe of the place and feel a rumble. They go outside and are amazed of the number and variations of the dinosaurs, and Rex welcomes them to the Dino Wilds. Rex tells them about Velociraptors, Triceratops, and Pterodactyls. Rocky then comments that Rex knows a lot of dinosaurs. Rex guides them to his place, a Dino Vet Center. Marshall is shocked, supposedly seeing a talking dinosaur, but it turns out that the "talking dino" are really people, a girl named Taylor Turbot and her mother, Dr. Turbot. Taylor, recognizing the PAW Patrol through their uncle, Cap'n Turbot, greets the pups. After the introductions, they head to the Dino Patroller.
Meanwhile, Mayor Humdinger, emerging from the waterfall, complains that there are no bare necessities to survive and notices a dinosaur causing the kitties to get scared and ran away. Then Mayor Humdinger devised a scheme to capture the dinosaurs and take them to back to Foggy Bottom to use as an attraction for people. He chases the triceratops and along the way he notices an egg. He decides to steal it and leave. Meanwhile the Brachiosaurus, seeing her egg are missing, becomes distressed and starts destroying the Dino Vet center. Dr. Turbot notices its distress and calls the PAW Patrol.
At the Dino Patroller, Ryder receives the call and Ryder summons the pups to the Dino Tower. The pups are in awe gearing up and seeing the view of the tower and the dinos below. Ryder tells them about the new gear. He summons Rocky for repairs, while Chase and Rex are ordered to herd the dinosaurs, and then the team begins to head to the rescue.
While Rocky starts fixing the center, Rex asks the mama brachiosaurus why she’s so upset. She roars, and Rex translates that someone has stolen her egg. Shocked, Rex wondered who would do such a thing. Ryder then assigns Rex, Rocky, and Chase to search the jungle for the thief, while Skye keeps watch from the air. Meanwhile, Mayor Humdinger, up to his old tricks again, has stolen the eggs of a triceratops and a T-Rex. The PAW Patrol searched until the t-rex chased them and Rex managed to stop them. Along the way, they found tiny tracks. Ryder thinks that someone else had found a way to the Dino Wilds.
Mayor Humdinger search the tunnel home and along the way the eggs hatched. Timingly, the PAW Patrol cornered him. Mayor Humdinger tried to denied it but the egg hatched. Skye commented they are cute and Mayor Humdinger kidnaps the Baby Brachiosaurus. They felt a rumbling and notice Mama Brachiosaurus heading after Mayor humdinger. And Mayor Humdinger falls back to the bottom and Ryder called reinforcements to save the dinos from the rockslide. Marshall and Skye then saved the baby Brachiosaurus.
While at the bottom the Triceratops destroyed Mayor Humdinger's kitten carrier and surrendered the baby to it. Mayor Humdinger then gets the T-Rex and makes a break for it. Chase and Rex are gone after the baby. The Baby T-rex trips Mayor Humdinger and flings himself to safety. Chase bounced the baby back at Rex to catch with his Dino Claw. Rex managed to return the baby to its parent. And they walked away stomping Mayor Humdinger's hat in the process. Ryder commends the pups for a job well done and Mayor Humdinger gets his hand and walks away to Foggy Bottom empty handed.
At the Dino Vet Center, Taylor thanks the PAW Patrol for a job well done. Ryder replied them to just yelp for help. Skye tells Rex that he is found a buddy. But the baby Brachiosaurus barks and Marshall remarks that he also understood puppy. Everyone laughs as the episode ends.
Pups in Action[]
First Responders[]
- Use his tools to fix the corral and shed.
Chase+ Rex
- Use their vehicles to slow down the brachiosaurus and find out what the problem is. Later, save the baby T-Rex from Mayor Humdinger.
Backup Responders[]
- Use her dino copter to do an aerial search. Later, save the baby Brachiosaurus from the other side of the natural rock bridge.
- Use their dino vehicles to stop the boulders.
- Use his water cannons to slow down the boulders.