Joe's Scrapbook is the 3-episode story arc that aired during Season 4
Mr. Salt introduces the episode and says the name of the episode "Joe’s First Day".
Chapter 1[]
The First story begins with Steve welcomes us in, saying that we're having show and tell today. He's trying to figure out what he could show at show and tell. He considers his stuffed anteater, Horace and his guitar. Just then, we get a phone call. It's Steve's brother, Joe. Joe is coming over to the Blue's Clues house and show and tell is one of his favorite things. In this episode, we have fun doing show and tell with the various characters and getting ready for Joe to come over. Sidetable shows us that she has a soft, yellow feather that she's going to show at show and tell. Steve finds a picture of Joe that he's been working and decides that we can show it to Joe during show and tell. He drew the picture in the park and wants us to help him finish it. He adds in a picture of himself reading a book and then realizes that Joeis barefoot. So, we select some appropriate shoes for being in the park - sneakers. We find Blue, who has a book about her turtle Turquoise that she wants to show during Show and Tell. She sneezes and the book falls apart. We help her to put the book back together by putting the pages in order. In the beginning of the book, Blue puts food in Turquoise's dish. Next, Turquoise eats the food. In the final page, Turquoise is finished and her dish is empty. Next, we find Slippery, who made a book about brushing his teeth. We help out once again to get the pages in the correct order. Finally, we add something else to the picture of Joe, a slide. When we find all three clues; a feather, Webbed feet, and a quacking sound, we head to the Thinking Chair to help Steve figure out what Joe's bringing to Show and Tell and the correct answer to Blue's Clues is a Duck. Just then Joe finally came and gave Steve a big welcome hug. Steve and Joe walked into the living room and Steve showed everyone that Joe is here. It was time for show and tell to begin. Finally, Joe showed everyone his Show and tell, It was a duck. His name is Boris.
Chapter 2[]
The second story starts with Joe looking for Steve, and Steve looking for Joe. Blue has something she wants to give to Joe, but first Steve has to find him. Steve and Joe end up in a back and forth hide and seek game, with both of them looking for each other inside and outside, until finally, they meet up outside. After that, they tell Blue the viewers helped to find Joe. This episode is about Joe playing his first game of Blue's Clues, in which he tries to find out what Blue wants to give him. Joe gets a tutorial lesson with Steve on how to play Blue's Clues. Steve told Joe about the part where they had to get rid of the pawprint. In the past, they bounced it away, wiped it away, and wiped it off with a squeegee. Joe had a turn at removing the pawprint by snapping his fingers and it disappeared leaving sparkles of glitter. Steve and Joe go to Sidetable to get out the notebook. After that, Steve and the viewers helped to explain the playing of Blue's Clues to Joe. Steve reminds Joe that they should keep their eye out for a blue pawprint. Then, Steve and Joe started looking. Joe thought he found a clue. It was the color blue, but it was not a pawprint, it was a block. Joe understood and remembers that a clue is a blue pawprint. Steve and Joe try again and when they got to the kitchen, Joe thought We said "Blue", and Steve thought We said "shoe", but soon see the clue. Joe double-checks that he saw a pawprint and it was the color blue which meant it was a clue. Steve was glad because Joe found his first clue. Now Steve gets out his notebook and tells Joe that they had to draw the first clue in the notebook. The first clue was paper. So, what could Blue want to give to Joe with paper? Joe had a few ideas, he thought Blue could give him a pile of paper, a paper airplane, or a paper doll. Steve thought those were good ideas but he suggests that they should find some more clues to get more information. Steve and Blue had to get the mail. Steve tells Mailbox that Joe was doing great on his first playing of Blue's Clues and Steve also tells Mailbox that Joe found his first clue. Steve gets the letter from Mailbox. The letter was a quick playing similar to Blue's Clues but it was called Keirstin's Clues: a game used to hide three handprints on three objects. A girl looks for handprints. The girl found the first clue: a blanket. So she uses a notebook with a sun picture on it as her handy dandy notebook. So she draws the first clue. Next, she sees another handprint on a pillow and draws it in the notebook. And finally, the girl sees the third clue which was a teddy bear. So she draws it in her notebook. She sits on a couch as a thinking chair and announced "Let's think." She knows that it is her and Keirstin's nap time. So the two girls wave a sleepy goodbye to Steve and they start going to sleep. After reading the letter, Joe was looking under the bed. Steve looks under the bed too and asks what are we doing. Joe explains that he was trying to find Blue and that she is hiding. Blue calls out from afar. Steve and Joe saw Blue. Steve explained to Joe that she skidooed into a toy board with colored block shapes. Steve skidoos and then Joe skidoos into the picture of colored shapes. Joe touches some shapes and then they slide open like a sliding door. Joe did not see Steve or Blue. They were hiding. Joe had to figure out where Steve and Blue are hiding. Steve gives Joe a hint, Steve said that he and Blue are hiding behind the shape that is closest to the red circle. Joe looks behind the yellow diamond and there were Steve and Blue. Now it was Joe's turn to hide with Blue. Steve tries to look for them. Joe says that he and Blue are hiding behind the shape that is farthest away from the biggest circle. Steve looks behind the blue triangle and he finds Joe and Blue. Steve and Joe thought they could find some clues behind some shapes. Joe and Steve found the second clue behind the rectangle and it was a crayon hidden inside. Joe remembers that they had to draw it in the notebook. Steve draws the second clue, a crayon in the notebook. After that, Joe asks what the first clue was. The viewers tell him it was paper and Steve tells Joe the second clue was a crayon. Steve and Joe had to figure out what Blue wants to give to Joe that has paper and a crayon. Joe had three ideas. He thought a drawing, a coloring book, or a card could be what Blue wants to give him that uses paper and a crayon. Steve liked Joe's ideas but they only had two clues. Joe understands that they had to find the third clue so they can put all the clues together. Steve was proud of Joe. Now, Steve and Joe had to skidoo back home. After Steve skidooed, a green rectangle opens to reveal the third clue. Joe was about to skidoo when he saw that there was a third clue but Joe did not have the notebook. Joe calls out to Steve and he skidoos back into the picture. Joe shows him the third clue. Steve was very impressed. Steve gets out the notebook and he was about to draw when he decides that he should let Joe draw the third clue. The third clue was a spiral. Joe holds the notebook using his right hand and he draws with his left hand. They suddenly realize that they have all three clues. Steve says you know what that means and Joe says "Actually, I don't". Steve tells Joe that it is time to sit in the thinking chair. Steve and Joe skidoo back home together. Once they got to the thinking chair, only one could sit in it. Steve lets Joe sit in the thinking chair while he kneels on the right arm-rest. Now that Joe was in the thinking chair he was not sure what he had to do. The viewers tell him, to think. Steve tells Joe that they had to think about all three clues. Joe gets out Steve's notebook and reviews the clues one at a time. the first clue was paper, the second clue was a crayon and the third clue was a spiral. Steve and Joe had to think about what Blue wanted to give to Joe that has paper, a crayon, and a spiral. Joe thought he could use the crayon and draw on the paper. Then he realized that he has to figure out how to put the spiral in. Joe thought he could use the spiral to hold the paper together. He asks himself about what Blue wanted to give Joe where you draw on the paper using a crayon that is held together with a spiral. The viewers told him a notebook. Steve and Joe said it in unison. Because a notebook has paper for pages, a crayon to draw with, and a spiral to hold the paper together. Joe proudly declares that they put all three clues together. They just figured out Blue's Clues. Steve tells Joe not to move while he and Blue went to get out Joe's surprise. Steve thought that Joe played an amazing game of Blue's Clues, and he decides that it was time for Joe to have his very own notebook as his reward. Joe looks at the notebook and it was shaped like the thinking chair. Joe likes it and now he can play Blue's Clues whenever he wants.
Chapter 3[]
In the last part of the story, Joe plays Blue's Clues for the first time on his own with his new notebook to figure out what Blue wants to give to Steve when he goes away to college. The clues in this episode are numbers, buttons, and a ringing sound. The answer turns out to be a telephone. After Joe figures out Blue's Clues, Steve enjoys his party. He then says goodbye to everyone and sings The So Long Song one last time before heading off on the bus to college. A few hours later, Joe is settled in and he gets a phone call. It was from Steve. Steve said that he misses everyone, but tells then to have fun and to take care of Joe because Joe needs help sometimes, just like him.
Closing part[]
Joe was really happy for Steve now that he moved to College. Now Joe’s really really happy that he’s here to stay. He’s so excited for all the new things, adventures, and more clues to find when the viewers com over to play. Joe thanks them for making his journey to Blue’s Clues so special. The Story closes with the new Blue’s clues theme song played while the credits are shown.
- Steve
- Joe (debut)
- Blue
- Mailbox
- Mr. Salt
- Mrs. Pepper
- Paprika
- Horace
- Boris (1st appearance)
- Tickety Tock
- Periwinkle
- Shovel
- Pail
Picture Frames[]
- Despite popular belief, this is not the final Steve Era episode to air on the Nick Jr. block, the final 5 episodes with Steve, but the exact reason as to why these episodes aired so late is unclear:
- Rhyme Time (on November 24, 2003)
- Puppets (on November 25, 2003)
- Blue's Book Nook (on November 26, 2003)
- Something To Do Blue (on August 1, 2006)
- Blue's School (on August 1, 2006)
- The Basic Blue's Clues intro/credits sequence for 3 individual episodes can be spotted on Meet Joe!/It's Joe Time!/Get to Know Joe!.
- This special combined the credits from Joe's First Day/Joe Gets a Clue/Steve Goes to College.
- The credits music from the older episodes (Seasons 1-2) were used before the start of an episode:
- Blue's Senses
- Blue Wants to Play a Game
- Blue's News