During a family party in Blue's playroom, Blue and Joe skidoo to Puppyville for an exciting adventure. They also play Gold Clues (which is actually Blue's Clues, except every element of the game has something to do with the gold color) to figure out who Blue's baby brother is.
- Question: Who is Blue's baby brother?
- Clues:
- 1. The word, "Puppy"
- 2. Circles
- 3. Colors (pink, purple, and orange)
- Answer: Sprinkles
- Skidoo: Puppyville
Joe's colored Shirts: Purple and Orange
As we enter Blue's Room, Blue greets the us and says that they are just in time for her party, a special party for family members. She walks over to a brightly decorated table where Fred, Polka Dots, Joe and Mailbox are seated. She explains that her party is a party for everyone she knows, and all their families. She asks who is in the our family, and comments how nice they sound. More guests arrive. First, Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper, Paprika and Cinnamon, then Roary and his grandmother, who has baked a sweet potato pie for the occasion, and finally Shovel and Pail. The party is about to get underway when Mailbox and Roary notice that there is still one vacant place at the table. Joe explains that that chair is being saved for the guest of honor; someone really special in Blue’s family. Blue asks if the viewer wants to know who, and after a bit of coaxing, reveals that she has a new baby brother. Everyone is shocked and ecstatic at this news. Polka Dots asks where he is. Blue and Joe get up from the table, but Joe didn't say to the party "We'll be right back!". They walk over to a picture on the wall, and Blue announces that her baby brother was born in a location called Puppyville, accessible through the painting. Blue and Joe skidoo into Puppyville.
Once there, they start asking each puppy they see if they are Blue's brother. The puppies only say that they could be and are not sure. Blue wonders aloud how they will find Blue's baby brother. Suddenly, a large gold pawprint appears. Blue and Joe realize what it means almost instantly: to find Blue’s baby brother, they need to play a special version of Blue’s Clues called, "Gold Clues" to figure out who he is. Both Blue and Joe are excited at this prospect. As they review the rules of the game, Joe is given a Gold Handy Dandy Notebook, and they discover a golden Thinking Chair on top of a hill. Joe excitedly asks where they should look for Gold Clues. A train whistle sounds, and a few puppies tell them to take the Puppyville Express, as it is the quickest way to get all around Puppyville.
As Blue and Joe say goodbye to the puppies, Blue spots a little white puppy hiding behind a bush. Blue and Joe go over to say hi, but the puppy ducks down behind the bush. Deducing that he must be shy and/or scared, Joe and Blue gently tell him their names and invite the viewer to do the same. The puppy slowly comes out of hiding and says that his name is Sprinkles. When Blue asks what he's up to, Sprinkles explains that he is here at the train station because he has no spots, and is going on an adventure to try and get some. Joe and Blue invite him to come along with them. Sprinkles joyfully accepts by yapping and the group hop on the train.
After a few minutes, the train arrives at the first stop, Alphabet City, a city where all the buildings are shaped like alphabet letters. They quickly meet another puppy, ABC Puppy, who formally welcomes them to Alphabet City. They search for the first gold clue and see a gold pawprint on some balloons. The balloons start to float away. Joe runs over to grab them and is pulled into the sky. ABC Puppy whistles for a taxi so they can chase after Joe and the balloons. He explains that the only way to make the taxi cab move is to follow the alphabet. Sprinkles admits that he doesn’t know the alphabet yet. Blue offers to help, and they say the letters, stopping along the way to remember what letter comes next. When they finish, Blue compliments Sprinkles on his good work, and Sprinkles excitedly confirms that he has learned his letters. Suddenly, there is a bright flash, and pink spots appear on Sprinkles as a reward for learning his letters. Sprinkles is confused about how this could have happened, but Blue realizes it must have been because he learned his letters. As Sprinkles howls with excitement and sings that he's got spots, Joe finally starts to float down and is rescued by all three puppies. Joe notices that the balloons are letters and they're spelling a word. ABC Puppy reads it and realizes it spells the word "PUPPY". Joe writes down the word "PUPPY" in his notebook. Joe congratulates Sprinkles on his spots, and he, Blue, and Sprinkles say goodbye to ABC Puppy and board the train for their next location: location number two.
The next stop is Color Town. When they get off of the train, they meet Art Puppy, who leads them over to his latest project, a rainbow shortcut to the Numbers Kingdom. The trouble is it’s not fully painted. Art Puppy explains that some of the colors are gone. Sprinkles offers to fix the rainbow, but admits that he does not know his colors yet. Blue offers to help. Using colorful clouds and a giant paintbrush, we soon find and mix the right colors to complete the rainbow. Blue compliments Sprinkles, and with another flash, orange spots appear on Sprinkles as a reward for learning his colors. After this, Art Puppy invites them to take his shortcut, and Joe quickly slides up the rainbow. Sprinkles admits he is nervous, and Blue offers to ride with him.
On the count of three, they both slide up the rainbow and down the other side into Numbers Kingdom. They quickly meet the Princess of numbers, and Joe decides to dress the part, returning in full armor as Knight Joe and speaking in medieval lingo. The princess offers to show them through her castle, but says that they must know the Clapping Codes to get through the doors. Seeing that these codes involve numbers, Sprinkles admits he does not know his numbers yet. Blue offers to help, and using their numeracy skills, they clap down each door, even use simple addition to get through the tower door. Once all the doors have been opened, Sprinkles receives purple spots as a reward for learning his numbers. Then, they saw a gold pawprint with a few circles, and Joe draws them in the notebook. Joe changes out of his knight costume, and they board the train.
The next stop is Shapes Forest. They meet Shapes Puppy, who tells them that they must reach a nearby Island because the final pawprint was there. To do so, he says, they must build a sailboat out of shapes. Luckily, the Shapes Forest has shapes in abundance. Sprinkles asks if he can help, so Blue and Joe help him locate the perfect shapes to make a seaworthy vessel, even folding a square to create the shape we need for the sail. Once the sailboat is complete, Sprinkles receives yellow spots as a reward for learning his shapes. Joe dresses up as a boat captain and the three of them hop in the boat and blow it across the water to the island. Once there, Sprinkles plays a coconut shell game to find the third and last Gold Clue: a bunch of colors.
All three excitedly hop back on the train. It chugs all the way back through Puppyville and up the hill, stopping in front of the Golden Thinking Chair as the last stop. As all three hop out, all the Puppyville puppies arrive to watch Blue and Joe sit in the chair to answer the most important question of all, who is Blue's new brother? Blue and Joe conclude that it must be a puppy that has spots that are all different colors. But who could it be? They then realize that Blue's new brother must be Sprinkles!
Sprinkles suddenly sticks his head over the edge of the chair, eager to know who Blue’s baby brother is. Joe leaves his seat, and Sprinkles sits next to Blue in the Thinking Chair. The viewer and Blue tell him the incredible news, Sprinkles is Blue's brother. Sprinkles is shocked, and it is confirmed when there is one final flash, and blue spots appear on Sprinkles, just like Blue's. Everyone sings with delight as Sprinkles and his big sister unite in song.
Everyone in Puppyville says goodbye to Sprinkles, Blue, and Joe, leaving the location and skidooing back home to Blue's Room, where Blue introduces everyone to her new brother. Joe officially kicks off the family party, and Sprinkles joins his sister at the head of the table as the guest of honor. The whole room begins to dance in celebration. Blue and Sprinkles thank the viewer for helping them find each other but didn't say goodbye as the episode ends.
- Blue
- Joe
- Mailbox
- Mr. Salt
- Mrs. Pepper
- Paprika
- Cinnamon
- Shovel
- Pail
- Polka Dots
- Roar E. Saurus
- Fred
- Moona (cameo)
- Dress Up Chest (cameo)
- Sprinkles (debut)
- Roar E. Saurus' grandmother (debut)
- Puppyville puppies (debut)
- ABC Puppy (debut)
- Colors Puppy (debut)
- Princess of Numbers Puppy (debut)
- Shapes Puppy (debut)
- "Blue's Room Theme Song"
- "Another Blue's Clues Day (instrumental)"
- "Puppyville"
- "Play Gold Clues"
- "Blue Has a Baby Brother"
- "I've Got Spots"
- "We Sat On Down"
- "I've Got Spots (reprise)"
Video Release[]
- Meet Blue's Baby Brother! (DVD, 2006)