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Mighty Pups Charged Up: Pups Vs. Three Super Baddies” is a special episode of PAW Patrol. It is the series' 45-minute special episode and TV Movie.


Harold, Ladybird, and The Copycat team up, and three Super baddies take the mighty pups' mighty meteor! The whole Mighty Pups team must have teamwork, determination and bravery to get their meteor back and charge up to stop them before the team of baddies destroys Jake’s Mountain, Otis’s Cabin, The Jungle, even Adventure Bay in their biggest, epic, mightiest challenge yet!


  • Ryder
  • Chase
  • Marshall
  • Skye
  • Rocky
  • Rubble
  • Zuma
  • Tracker
  • Everest
  • Mighty Twins
  • Alex Porter (cameo)
  • Cap'n Turbot
  • Chickaletta
  • Hailey Daily
  • Harold Humdinger
  • Jake
  • Ladybird
  • Mayor Humdinger
  • Mr. Porter (cameo
  • Farmer Al
  • Garbie
  • Katie (cameo)
  • Francois Turbot (cameo)
  • Carlos
  • Mr. Hudson (cameo)
  • Farmer Yumi (cameo)
  • Ms. Marjorie (cameo)
  • Danny (cameo)
  • Mr. Wingnut (cameo)
  • Mrs. Wingnut (cameo)
  • Mayor Goodway
  • Gustavo Goodway (cameo)
  • Otis Goodway
  • Mailman (cameo)
  • Clown (cameo)
  • Travlin Travis (Cameo)
  • Roger (cameo)
  • Julia Goodway (cameo)
  • Julius Goodway (cameo)
  • Dierdre (cameo)
  • Flight controller (cameo)
  • Captain Gordy (cameo)
  • Chili and pizza judge (cameo)
  • Luke Stars (Cameo)
  • Precious' owner (cameo)
  • Little boy (cameo)
  • Cameraman (cameo)
  • The Copycat
  • Adventure Bay residents


Another beautiful day in Adventure Bay, and the PAW Patrol are in the middle of another rescue. Cap'n Turbot has gotten stuck in a storm drain recovering his keys to the Seal Island Lighthouse, and Hailey is on scene to report on the event. After the captain is rescued, nearby, Mayor Humdinger and Harold sulk, while the Ladybird tries to make off with some of Hailey's shiny camera gear, only to be stopped by the Copycat. Soon enough, it is not long before the three baddies meet up, and agree to team up to take revenge on the Mighty Pups.

Retreating back to Humdinger's hideout in Foggy Bottom, Harold has made badges that allow the Copycat's powers to be transferred to the badges, allowing Harold and Ladybird to regain their superpowers. After Mayor Humdinger suggests stealing the meteor that gives the Mighty Pups their powers, Copycat takes lead as he goes with Harold and Ladybird to carry out the theft of the meteor.

However, knowing they need a distraction to lure the Mighty Pups really far away from the Lookout, Copycat takes the Flounder and places it tethering precariously on the lip of the mouth of the volcano on Rumble Top Island. Cap'n Turbot, who had just retired to the his quarters on the Flounder to sleep, soon discovers what happened, and realizes that the volcano is about to erupt! He immediately calls the PAW Patrol.

When Ryder learns of the captain's erupting predicament, he summons the pups to the Lookout, the meteor is activated, the Lookout transforms, and the PAW Patrol become the Mighty Pups. After briefing the Mighty Pups on the mission, Ryder takes flight as the pups hop into their hover cars and head out towards Rumble Top Island.

With them gone, Harold and Ladybird move to steal the meteor from the Lookout, but they soon start squabbling over who gets it, causing them to drop it. When it hits the ground, it appears to power down. This results in the Lookout reverting back to its normal appearance from the Mighty Pups transformation due to losing its power source.

At Rumble Top Island, after the pups arrive, just as Rubble and Skye are about to carry out their orders to move the Flounder down to the shoreline and back into the water, the loss of the meteor causes their Mighty Pup powers to deactivate, which also disables the other pups' Mighty Pup hover cars since their powers had been taken away from them. Ryder acts quickly by having the pups and Cap'n Turbot stand on the bow of the Flounder while he uses his jet pack to lift the stern up using the shift in weight to cause the Flounder to slide over the edge of the volcano's lip, down the summit, through the jungle, and land safely back in the water. Afterwards, with the Mighty Pups unable to use their hover cars to get home to Adventure Bay due to the loss of their powers, Cap'n Turbot offers to give them a ride home on the Flounder in return for helping him.

Back in Adventure Bay, when Copycat discovers what happened with Ladybird and Harold, they then take off with the meteor, only to argue over who gets to keep it.In the mean time the Copycat build a magnet that attracts meteors and used it to pull them to earth, so she’ll take over the whole city. At one point, Ladybird and Harold drop the meteor again, causing a piece to chip off, before they start fighting over who gets to keep it, drawing attention from Mayor Goodway and Hailey. Goodway immediately calls Ryder to let him know that 3 baddies team up and tried to destroy the city. When the team returns to the Lookout, they find their worst fears are true, the meteor is gone.

Forced to rely on their regular PAW Patrol vehicles with their Mighty Pup ones out of action without their Mighty Pup powers to run them, the pups and Ryder pursue the villainous trio, but they soon manage to escape. Luckily, Tuck and Ella, who had seen the Ladybird on Hailey's news report, arrive in full Mighty Pup uniform to help out. It is not long before Chase sniffs out the broken off fragment of the meteor, and the pups use it to regain their Mighty Pup powers. Meanwhile, the continued squabbling between Copycat, Harold, and Ladybird leads to the meteor being dropped in the snow, where it powers up again, but soon encases itself in snow and rolls back towards Adventure Bay.

When Jake and Everest were about to snowboard down the mountain, they saw lots of Meteors in the sky and their heading for Jake’s Mountain. Jake called Ryder to let him know. Farmer Al was cleaning the silop top when he saw meteors falling from the sky. He calls Ryder for help saving his farm. When Carlos, Tracker and Mandy were swinging from vine to vine in the Jungle, they saw meteors heading straight towards the jungle! Carlos called Ryder that this is an emergency. Uncle Otis was just about to give his beaver Buddy carrots when he saw meteors falling in the air. He’s worried that they’ll smash his cabin, So he runs to his operator and calls the Paw Patrol.

When the Mighty pups saw the giant snowball rolling down to Adventure Bay, Ryder got a called from Jake, Farmer Al, Carlos, and Uncle Otis about the meteors. Just then Chase found a piece of the meteor and got his superpowers back. The Pups gathered around the meteor and there powered up again. It was Time to stop that giant snowball, the meteors and save Adventure Bay once and for all.

The pups work together to bring the snowball to a stop in front of City Hall and Skye Hit the meteors with a bat and launch them back into space to save Jake’s Mountain, The Jungle, Farmer Al’s Farm and Uncle Otis’s cabin. Once Marshall melts off the snow it reveals the meteor to everyone. Nearby, Ladybird and Harold soon blame each other for what happened, leading to where they end up destroying the badges that granted them their superpowers, leaving Copycat to try and steal the meteor again himself, but is stopped by Tuck and Ella. Frustrated with his defeat. Everyone in Adventure Bay cheered super loud for the Mighty Pups when they saved their city. The Copycat retreats back to Hailey's van and reverts back to his normal appearance, but still snarls angrily as he glares back at the Mighty Pups for ruining his plans again, while ensuring they never discover his real identity.

As punishment for their actions, Ladybird, Harold, and Mayor Humdinger have to work together to recover the City Hall bell after it fell on Mayor Goodway's tulips earlier thanks to the meteor, but it proves heavier than they expected. Meanwhile, Mayor Goodway and Cap’n Turbot commends the pups on another job well done, before the camera pans over to the Lookout, where the PAW Patrol badge glows momentarily, indicating the meteor is back in place for the next time the Mighty Pups are needed again.

