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The Ladybird is back and Chickaletta has super powers! The Mighty Twins join the Mighty Pups to save a giant chicken and the town.



Adventure Bay is celebrating the 100th "birthday" of the town hall bell, with Mayor Goodway showing off how she's trained Chickaletta to flap her wings at the ringing of a bell. However, Ladybird is back in town, and soon spots the newly cleaned bell and becomes determined to add it to her Reflection Collection. Seeing the Lookout in the distance, she hits upon a plan to steal a chunk of the meteor to regain her superpowers. Meanwhile, Tuck and Ella arrive and soon discover evidence of the Ladybird's presence, and alert Ryder and the pups to this fact.

The Ladybird succeeds in acquiring a meteor fragment, and bird-napped Chickaletta after seeing her with a small bell on her head. She decides to make Chickaletta her sidekick, only for the bird to peck her meteor bracelet and grow to gigantic size. Mayor Goodway alerts Ryder to this development, and all eight pups head to the Lookout at his call. Once again in Mighty Pups mode, Chase and Rubble are chosen to handle crowd and damage control while Ella is chosen to lead Chickaletta away from the town, one giant to another.

Ladybird sets her sights on the town bell again only to spot Ryder and the pups arriving. Chase and Rubble go to work protecting the citizens and buildings, and Ella manages to lure Chickaletta away. Ryder then calls on Skye to pursue the Ladybird, who seizes the bell with her super strength. Ladybird manages to escape by damaging the belltower, and then tries to guide Chickaletta to follow her back to her lair. Unfortunately, her ringing of the town bell causes Chickaletta to do her wing-flapping trick, with her giant-sized wings unleashing a powerful gust.

Chase rescues the other pups after this wind blows them off the Mighty Lookout, and Ryder then dispatches Tuck to enter the bell and remove its clapper. When he falls out of it, the other pups form a tower so Zuma can save him with his water powers. Mayor Goodway then rings her own bell, and Chickaletta hits the Ladybird with a wind that causes her to lose her bracelet and her powers with it. The pups then return the bell to town hall, where Marshall repairs a crack with his fire powers and Rocky conjures an energy hammer to ring the bell in honor of Bell Day.

First Responders[]


  • Use his super speed to warn everyone to keep away from Chickaletta. Later, use his energy net to catch Marshall, Zuma, Rocky, and Tuck.


  • Use his super strength to move everything out of Chickaletta's way. Later, catch the bell.


  • Use her super size to lead Chickaletta away from town.

Backup Responders[]


  • Follow the Ladybird in her mighty plane. Later, lift Tuck up to the bell.


  • Get inside the bell without being seen.


  • Stand on top of Rubble, Chase, and Rocky and use his water power to catch Tuck.

Marshall+ Rocky

  • Repair the bell.