Nick Jr. Wiki

Characters Present[]


Oswald is excited to meet Henry's cousin, Louie. But the two penguins have a great time all by themselves. Oswald feels left out, but once Henry and Louie catch up on old times, they seek Oswald out.


Main Cast[]

Supporting Cast[]

  • Laraine Newman as Madame Butterfly

Minor Cast[]

  • Michael McKean as Louie


  • This episode marks the debut of Louie.
  • Catrina, Johnny Snowman, Egbert, Leo, Pongo, Cactus Polly, Sammy Starfish, Steve Tree, Andy Pumpkin, Bingette Bunny, Laverne, Roderick, and Bingo Bunny are all absent.
  • Oswald broke the fourth wall when he sang, "It's time to face the, fact kid".