Oobi is an American children's television series. It has three seasons: a season of two-minute shorts and two later seasons of longer 13-minute episodes. It originally aired on Noggin. As a cross-promotion, two episodes were also shown on Nickelodeon during the Nick Jr. block on April 7, 2003. Plot[]The show is based on a puppeteer training method in which they use their hands and some glass eyes instead of a full puppet. The main character is a curious hand puppet named Oobi, who is just starting to discover the world around him. All of the characters talk in simple sentences, using only two to three words at a time. Each episode ends with a montage of kids making and playing with their own Oobi-eyes puppets. Characters[]
The show has four main characters: Oobi, his sister Uma, his grandfather Grampu, and his best friend Kako. Episodes[]
Across the three seasons, a total of 48 shorts and 52 long-form segments were made. The cast members also recorded a few original bumpers with their characters, which were used as channel ID's on Noggin.
The topic of this page has a wiki of its own: Oobi Wiki.