When a magical meteor crash lands in Adventure City, it gives the ‘PAW Patrol’ pups superpowers, transforming them into The MIGHTY PUPS! For Skye, the smallest member of the team, her new powers are a dream come true. But things take a turn for the worse when the pups’ archrival Humdinger breaks out of jail and teams up with Victoria Vance, a meteor-obsessed mad scientist, to steal the superpowers and turn themselves into supervillains. With the fate of Adventure City hanging in the balance, the Mighty Pups have to stop the supervillains before it’s too late, and Skye will need to learn that even the smallest pup can make the biggest difference.
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Everest (cameo in Ryder's first and second pajamas)
- Tracker (cameo in Ryder's second pajamas)
- Liberty
- Junior Patrollers (debut)
- Nano (debut)
- Mini (debut)
- Tot (debut)
- Delores
- Mayor Humdinger
- Victoria Vance (debut)
- Kitten Catastrophe Crew
- Cap'n Turbot (minor)
- Mayor Goodway (minor)
- Chickaletta (minor)
- Hank (debut)
- Janet (debut)
- Bruce (debut)
- Sam Stringer (debut)
- Meteor Max
- Tony (minor)
- Carmen (minor)
- Adventure City prison guard (debut)
- Tough Guy (non-speaking)
- Rocket (non-speaking)
- Yoga Yvette (debut)
- Skye's siblings (debut)
- Radio announcer (debut)
Outside of Adventure City, Janet and Hank are out working in their scrapyard until they receive a phone call. Janet goes inside their trailer to answer and shouts for Hank to take the call. However, after he answers, the caller on the other end suddenly goes silent. The two then realize someone has not only locked them in their trailer, but also commandeered their crane with their electro-magnet, driving over their gas welding tanks and setting the entire scrapyard ablaze in the process. Panicked, Janet quickly dials the phone and calls the PAW Patrol for help.
Out in the ocean, aboard the Aircraft Carrier HQ, Ryder deploys the pups to the scrapyard, starting with Skye, who takes off in her jet before the Aircraft docks in Adventure City. Using her jet’s water tank, Skye douses the fire at the entrance of the scrapyard, allowing Marshall to roll in and put out the remaining fires with his water cannon. However, just as he runs out of water, one last fire remains and nears the welding tanks outside the trailer Janet and Hank are locked in. Fortunately, Skye comes in with her water tank once more and puts it out before it reaches the tanks, saving the two. After Rocky frees them, both express their gratitude and take a selfie with the PAW Patrol. Skye, despite stating her preference for staying on the ground, is picked up by Janet and frowns in the picture.
Later on in the evening, several citizens, along with news reporter, Sam Stringer, gather outside the Pup Tower as they await the meteor shower. Meanwhile, inside the tower, as the PAW Patrol prepare for the shower, Ryder notices Chase outgrowing his uniform and how the pups are growing up so fast. Skye rushes over and asks if that includes her, but much to her dismay, Ryder says she is still the same size and that all pups grow at their own pace, which she believes is untrue for herself. Shortly after, Ryder introduces the pups to the Junior Patrollers–three pomeranians named Nano, Mini, and Tot–who all want to become members of the PAW Patrol when they grow up. Invited by Ryder to accompany the team for the meteor shower, the three excitedly greet the other pups with Nano meeting Chase, Tot startling and complimenting Rubble, and Mini meeting Skye, expressing her glee with their similar heights. Afterwards, while the Junior Patrollers observe the telescope, which they almost knocked over, Liberty expresses her skepticism of the Junior Patroller program to Skye, who tells her not to be so dismissive of them just because of their size.
Meanwhile, back at the abandoned observatory, the mysterious individual from the scrapyard is revealed to be a mad scientist named Victoria Vance, who records her latest invention called the "Meteor Magnet". After activating the mechanism, it shoots a tractor beam out into space, pulling a meteor directly towards the earth. However, while rejoicing her success, the Meteor Magnet malfunctions and loses its grip on the meteor, which is now hurtling directly towards Adventure City. While Nano counts the stars in the sky, Ryder gets a warning on his pup pad of the meteor heading towards them and immediately directs everyone out of the tower. On his command, the PAW Patrol warn the citizens of the incoming meteor and clear the streets until everyone is safely indoors. Afterwards, all of the pups run and find a place to take cover, except for Skye, who turns around to see the meteor crash through the Pup Tower directly towards her. Thankfully, she is rescued by Ryder, who grabs her and runs over to hide behind a nearby vehicle just before the meteor crashes into the street. Once the PAW Patrol and the Junior Patrollers regroup, they mourn over the loss of the Pup Tower, including their vehicles, before approaching the meteor, which pulsates a strange energy. Shortly after, Victoria Vance, who was caught as the culprit due to her uploaded video, is arrested and taken to jail, where she meets her cellmates, Mayor Humdinger and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew.
The PAW Patrol take the meteor back to the Aircraft Carrier HQ, where it is analyzed by a device. While the mechanism scans it over, Ryder takes the pups to their new bunk room to sleep for the night. With some struggle, Skye climbs up to her top bunk and rediscovers a pink bandana, looking it over solemnly before tucking it away with the rest of her belongings. Once all the pups are tucked in, Rubble expresses his worry to Ryder about sleeping in a new place, but just as Ryder reassures him, he immediately passes out and they all share a laugh before going to sleep. Later that night, however, strange vibrations followed by a bright light wake up Skye, who curiously traces it back to the meteor. Slowly, she touches it with her paw, causing it to release one final vibration, making her fur stand on end, before breaking apart. Inside are several crystals, one of which attaches itself to her pup tag, causing her paws to glow and her body to float against her will. Realizing she now has the superpowers of flight and super strength, she tests her powers out until she accidentally crashes into the bunk room the pups are sleeping in, startling them, as well as Ryder. After showing off her powers, the rest of the pups receive a crystal, giving each of them their own superpower, except Liberty, who is unsure of what her power is supposed to be. She tries to copy the rest of the pups, but believes she is ripped off as nothing she does works. Afterwards, Ryder dubs the team the "Mighty Pups" and suits them up with new uniforms and vehicles before launching them out into Adventure City. Due to her having no powers, Ryder tasks Liberty, who protests against babysitting, to watch over the Junior Patrollers.
While the PAW Patrol are out saving the citizens of Adventure City from various mishaps, Victoria Vance and Mayor Humdinger make a deal to team up and steal the pups' superpowers, escaping through an underground tunnel hidden underneath a toilet afterwards. Meanwhile, back at the Aircraft Carrier HQ, Liberty continues to try replicating the pups' superpowers while the Junior Patrollers are watching the news. Deciding to be more flexible, Liberty takes the Junior Patrollers under her wing and trains them with exercises, all of which they fail spectacularly.
After having a run in with Tony and Carmen, Mayor Humdinger and Victoria Vance sneak over to an airport where they find and board Mayor Humdinger’s private airplane. During the flight, while Humdinger and his kitties relax, Victoria reveals her plan to trick the PAW Patrol into rescuing them by destroying one of the plane’s engines. A panicked Mayor Humdinger questions her actions and plan before she calls the PAW Patrol for help.
As the Junior Patrollers significantly improve with their training, Ryder receives Victoria's call, locating the crashing plane from afar, and deploys Skye to fly over and carry it down to safety while he and the rest of the team, excluding Liberty, prepare for ground support. However, once Skye flies into the plane, Victoria Vance steals her pup tag, causing her to lose her powers, and jumps out of the plane with a parachute. Mayor Humdinger and his kitties quickly follow suit, leaving Skye trapped in the plane as it spirals towards Adventure City. She rushes over to the cockpit and calls Ryder for help, revealing the villains' trap, her stolen crystal, and the crashing plane. With the airport being too far away for her to make a landing, Ryder has the pups clear Main Street of all people and vehicles to make a runway for Skye. After Chase uses his super speed in his vehicle to deploy flares, Skye readies the plane for a landing. However, as she nears the train tracks, a train passes by, forcing her to go underneath it with a rough landing, just barely stopping the plane as it slides towards Chase, touching his nose. Upon returning to the Aircraft Carrier HQ, Zuma and Marshall somberly tell Liberty and the Junior Patrollers of Skye's lost crystal as the rest of the team trudges past them.
As the sun sets, Skye, upset about the recent loss of her powers, sits out on the deck, looking over her bandana. She is then approached by Chase, who is checking on her, and tells him of her past where she was the runt of her litter and the only one to not be adopted. Having spent most of her days curled up and alone, on a cold winter day, she spots Ryder making a delivery to her caretaker. Taking action into her own paws, Skye chases after Ryder through the harsh blizzard for a better life until she collapses in the snow. As her vision begins to fade, Ryder reappears and rescues her. After explaining her insecurities of feeling too small and insignificant, Skye tells Chase that she would do anything to get her crystal back. Meanwhile, after the Junior Patrollers finish a successful training session, Ryder tells Liberty that the training program will need to be canceled and the Junior Patrollers will be sent home due to the villains now having access to a crystal. Too afraid to pass the bad news to the Junior Patrollers, Liberty steps aside to let Ryder tell them instead. Saddened by the sudden news, Nano asks when the program will resume, which Ryder is unsure of.
Later on, as night approaches, Skye approaches Ryder and apologizes for losing her crystal. He reassures her that she is not at fault and shows her a mechanism that is scanning all of Adventure City for her missing crystal. Raring to go, Skye tells him to alert her of when it's time to set out, but Ryder commands that she stays behind for safety purposes and to get some rest before departing for his bunk. Upset, Skye stays with the scanner, watching it over as it continues to search for her crystal. Meanwhile, back at the observatory, Victoria Vance opens Skye's pup tag and takes her crystal, which attaches itself to her necklace, gaining the power to store and generate electricity. She then begins to modify the Meteor Magnet, enhancing it with her new powers to attract more meteors for even more superpowers. In doing so, the scanner finally locates Skye’s stolen crystal, waking up Skye.
Determined to get her crystal back, Skye passes Ryder, who is asleep, without telling him of the scanner’s findings and takes the rest of the pups' crystals for herself. She then takes off in her jet and puts it into stealth mode as she nears the observatory. After landing, she heads inside where she finds Victoria Vance asleep and carefully tries to retrieve her crystal from her necklace. Unfortunately, just as she reaches for it, Victoria awakens and flees from the observatory into the sky. Skye quickly gives chase until she loses sight of Victoria, who traps her in a forcefield and takes the rest of the crystals before locking Skye up in the observatory.
With all the crystals attached to her necklace, Victoria Vance powers the Meteor Magnet, which blasts a tractor beam further out into space than before, pulling a large group of meteors towards Adventure City. Skye warns that her actions could cause her and many others to get hurt, but Victoria shows no care and relays her past and insecurities to Skye, who understands her feelings and sympathizes with her. Victoria, however, disregards it, seeing the bonding moment as nothing more than an attempt to get her to release Skye and let her take back the crystals. Shortly after, Mayor Humdinger appears to see what the commotion is all about, taunting Skye before taking a crystal Victoria promised him earlier, which causes him to grow ginormous in size.
As morning approaches, Chase alerts Ryder of Skye and the rest of the crystals going missing. Unable to contact Skye, the team, including Liberty, gear up and set off for the observatory to rescue her until a sudden earthquake erupts in the middle of the street, creating a large crater Chase nearly drives into. Mayor Humdinger, now giant, comes out and attempts to crush Chase, who is pulled away just in time by Rocky. The team, on Ryder’s command, spread out and pass the salon, which Delores exits out of, only to see Humdinger’s foot raised over her head. Liberty barks out her sidecar and rescues her, accidentally dropping her in a dumpster after being launched into the air by a jump from Humdinger. She then rejoins the rest of the team, continuing to evade Mayor Humdinger until they reach a dead end.
Just as Humdinger is about to squash the team, the Junior Patrollers put “Operation Allergies” into motion with Tot operating a wrecking ball crane with Nano and Mini, swinging them over to Humdinger’s mustache. The two then climb up to his nose and rub themselves against his nostrils, making him sneeze and stumble directly into a building. As he struggles to get up, Ryder locates one of the crystals in his jacket pocket and sends Marshall to retrieve it. However, just as Marshall finds it, he is grabbed by Mayor Humdinger, who tries to crush him. Fortunately, Marshall regains his powers from the crystal and burns his hand, causing Humdinger to release him as he shrinks back down to his normal size. Now trapped in his top hat, Mayor Humdinger is put under arrest again by Chase. With the crystal back into their possession, the PAW Patrol, including the Junior Patrollers, who hitch a ride in Liberty's sidecar, set off to save Skye once more.
Back at the observatory, while Victoria Vance continues to fire more tractor beams into space, Skye, unable to do anything to stop her, pulls out her bandana again, looking it over until Victoria leaves to see the Junior Patrollers, who are pretending to be scouts, selling cookies outside her lair. While she is distracted, Zuma takes the crystal and transforms into water, sneaking through the pipes into Victoria's lair. Once he finds Skye, he gives her the crystal, allowing her to use her superpowers to burst out of her cell. However, right after she frees herself, Victoria returns and chases her outside the observatory where she encounters the rest of the PAW Patrol in which she underestimate the PAW Patrol for having only one crystal. But Ryder boasts that the PAW Patrol can beat her since they have teamwork and numbers. Unfettered, Vance delivers the first strike to the PAW Patrol and their final battle begins.
On Ryder's commands, Chase uses his super speed to pass the crystal to each of the pups so they can use their powers against Victoria Vance from Marshall firing his heat cannons which she quickly evades. She then uses her electricity to lift Marshall's vehicle to crush them. Ryder commands Chase to pass the crystal to Rocky, who saves them from being crushed with his magnetism. Ryder then orders Chase to pass the crystal to Rubble, who launches his wrecking ball at Vance, exposing the magnet inside her lair after missing her. Ryder orders Chase to pass the crystal to Skye, but as he runs over to give it to her, Victoria hits him with a blast of lightning, causing him to lose the crystal as he tumbles towards the edge of the cliff. Liberty runs to his aid as the crystal latches itself onto her pup tag, giving her the power of elasticity, which she uses to pull herself and him up from the cliff's edge. She then passes the crystal over to Zuma, who avoids Victoria’s attacks and emerges from the fountain, trapping her in a ball of water. He takes her necklace containing all of the crystals and passes it over to Ryder, who returns them to each of the pups. Afterwards, Liberty uses her body as a slingshot and launches Rubble into the Meteor Magnet, destroying it. Defeated, Victoria tries to flee, but is caught and wrapped up by Liberty’s elastic body. After Chase places her under arrest, Victoria gloats about the meteors that are already heading for Adventure City, finally accepting her title of being a mad scientist.
Much to Skye's surprise, Ryder, who always believed in her, commands her to fly up and destroy as many meteors as she can. The pups then give her their crystals before joining Ryder to evacuate the city. Using her jet's targeting computer and blasters, one-by-one, Skye destroys the meteors approaching the city. As a larger group enters the atmosphere, she powers her jet with her power paws and blasts the incoming fleet until one hits her engine, forcing her to ditch her jet. She then uses her super strength to punch through the rest of the meteors until a final one, which Ryder warns is much too big for her to destroy, approaches. However, knowing all of her friends and innocent civilians will get hurt, Skye refuses to back down.
With the power of all the crystals, Skye charges towards the giant meteor, having brief flashbacks of her past as she repeatedly chants, “No pup is too small”, until she punches through the meteor. It explodes and sends Skye, now unconscious, down to the ocean floor. As Ryder and the pups rush towards the edge of the city, calling out her name, each of the crystals begin to glow, emitting a pink light as she resurfaces. While the citizens of Adventure City rejoice and cheer for Skye saving the day, she reunites with the team and gives back their crystals before being commended by Ryder for her bravery.
As the Aircraft Carrier HQ departs from Adventure City, Skye tells of how the Mighty Pups continue their duties of rescuing others, being responsible with their powers. As she gazes out at the ocean, she releases her bandana into the wind, no longer believing she is too small or insignificant to make a difference. Afterwards, the film ends with the PAW Patrol, as well as the Junior Patrollers, howling for their success.