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Mayor Humdinger steals a jukebox so he can play an annoying song all day long, but Chase and Rubbletrack it down to save the records.


  • Ryder
  • Chase
  • Marshall
  • Skye
  • Rocky
  • Rubble
  • Zuma
  • Chickaletta
  • Dierdre (cameo)
  • Hurricane Harrigan (pictured)
  • Kitten Catastrophe Crew
  • Mayor Humdinger
  • Mayor Goodway
  • Maynard
  • Mr. Porter
  • Ms. Marjorie
  • Otis Goodway
  • Precious' owner's mother (cameo)
  • Wolves


At the Lookout, Rubble shows several of the other pups a new acquisition from Junk Island: an old jukebox, which Ryder and Rocky have put on wheels and gotten working again. Mr. Porter, visiting and seeing the machine, is excited, prompting Rubble to offer him the use of the machine. Rubble then starts a collection around town for records to place in the refurbished machine, with Ms. Marjorie, Mayor Goodway, and Uncle Otis all contributing. However, upon hearing the jukebox running as he passes by, Mayor Humdinger decides to add his own-and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew's-favorite record, though the noise proves intolerable to anyone else. Disgruntled by this reaction, Humdinger is nonetheless determined to listen to his record on the jukebox, and has the kittens wreck Mr. Porter's fruit stand in order to provide a distraction while he steals the jukebox.

Mr. Porter soon calls Ryder with news of this development, and Ryder summons the pups to the Lookout. Marshall ends up tripping over a box of Rubble's records on his way to the elevator. After bringing the pups up to date, Ryder selects Chase to help track down the jukebox, and Rubble to listen for it and help tow it back to Mr. Porters' cafe. Arriving at the restaurant, Chase immediately begins sniffing and soon detects the presence of kittens around both the former location of the jukebox and the fruit stand.

Using his DJ headphones, Rubble is able to pick up Mayor Humdinger's song from a distance, and Ryder and the two pups quickly head off in pursuit of Mayor Humdinger. They find him traveling through the woods, where a bump causes a new record to be put on the jukebox that attracts a pair of wolves. Mayor Humdinger soon begins fleeing the animals but refuses to abandon his jukebox with his record inside. His kittens have no such reluctance, and soon disconnect the jukebox from their kitten carrier.

Rubble is able to stop the jukebox, but the records go flying across the city, prompting Ryder to call on all the pups for help. They soon recover the records, but Mayor Humdinger ends up stuck in a tree with the two wolves at the base. Fortunately, Ryder is able to put Mayor Humdinger's horrendous record to some actual good use, playing it to drive off the curious wolves. Humdinger then storms off in a huff with his record, while Ryder and the pups bring the jukebox and the rest of the music back to the cafe.

Pups in Action[]

First Responders (1st Emergency)[]


  • Uses his sniffing skills to track the jukebox.


  • Uses his headphones to follow the sound of the jukebox and then tow it back to the cafe.

First Responders (2nd Emergency)[]


  • Use his net to catch the records from flying.

First Responders (3rd Emergency)[]


  • Use his net to catch Mayor Humdinger.

Backup Responders[]

Skye+ Zuma+ Marshall+ Rocky

  • Catch all the records from flying.