Mr. Porter's new high tech waiter robot helps around the Café, but Francois' spilled drink caused it to go haywire and now it can't stop cleaning! It's up to the pups to clean up the mess all over town!
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Cap'n Turbot
- Chickaletta
- Danny (non-speaking)
- Francois Turbot
- Mailman
- Mayor Goodway
- Mr. Hudson
- Mr. Porter
- Precious' owner's father (cameo)
- Precious' owner's mother (cameo)
- Waiter Bot (debut)
Rocky and Rubble are helping the mailman with his deliveries, which include an Adventure Bay commemorative plate belonging to Mayor Goodway and a large crate intended for Mr. Porter. It proves to be a Waiter Bot, which soon sets to work helping around Mr. Porter's cafe, much to the relief of the overworked proprietor. Back at the Lookout, the other pups and Ryder are engaged in a game of charades, with Skye and then Zuma taking turns. Unfortunately, back at the cafe, Francois accidentally spills his glass of water on the Waiter Bot, which begins an out-of-control cleaning spree across Adventure Bay.
Unable to stop the robot with his remote, Mr. Porter calls the PAW Patrol, who have been rejoined by Rocky and Rubble. Marshall ends up rolling on a soccer ball and crashing into the other pups in the elevator. Ryder then debriefs the pups, calling upon Chase to direct traffic and Rocky to repaint the road lines and replace street signs "cleaned" by the Waiter Bot. The robot, meanwhile, continues to clean around town, barging into a family's house and making off with their plates while they're eating dinner.
Just as Rocky and Chase finish dealing with the traffic issues, Mayor Goodway calls with news that the Waiter Bot is attempting to take her commemorative plate. Chase deploys his net, only for the plate and the robot to be sent in different directions. Chase goes after the plate, which ends up on top of the jungle gym at the playground, while Rocky pursues the robot. Rubble is called in to help rescue the plate, but it ends up in the robot's possession once again.
Mayor Goodway, Ryder, Rocky, and Rubble trail the Waiter Bot out into the woods, where it has stockpiled a number of plates. Trying to figure out how to catch the robot, Ryder hits upon the idea of Rocky getting himself dirty in a nearby mud puddle so that the cleaning obsessed robot will come to him. The plan works, and Rocky is able to shut the robot down. The pups then return the collected dishes to their owners, Mayor Goodway included, while Mr. Porter and Rocky are able to adjust the Waiter Bot so that it can still be of use at the cafe.
Pups in Action[]
First Responders[]
- Use his cones and megaphone to clear the traffic jam.
- Paint lines on the road and put up new signs so drivers know where to go.
Backup Responders[]
- Use his crane to get the plate from the top of the flagpole.