Mayor Humdinger creates a cyclone of delicious pies! The pups must stop it before the town is covered.
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Mr. Porter
- Mayor Goodway
- Chickaletta
- Cap'n Turbot
- Katie
- Cali
- Clown (cameo)
- Mayor Humdinger
- Kitten Catastrophe Crew
Mr. Porter is testing out his new pie oven, which he intends to use to make a free pie for everyone in town. Excited at the prospect, Rocky and Rubble request pup treat pies, but are briefly disturbed when the opened oven's hot air mixes with the cool wind outside the oven to produce a small twister. Mayor Humdinger, overhearing the news about the pies, decides to help himself to all of them, and brings a giant fan to cool them down. Unfortunately, the machine generates a cyclone that carries off the pies and begins throwing them around town.
Mayor Goodway alerts Ryder to the situation, and he summons the pups to the Lookout. Marshall, who was spinning a pup dish, ends up spinning atop it to make his customary elevator crash. In the debriefing, Chase is chosen to handle crowd control, Rocky to handle repairs, and Marshall to assist with cleaning up the mess. As the pups and Ryder arrive in town, Cap'n Turbot heads off to check his weather balloon in hopes of determining the cause of the strange weather.
Chase heads off to warn the townspeople and gets to Katie's parlor shortly before the "pie-clone" arrives. He then calls on Ryder and the other pups to help with cleanup while setting off in pursuit of the pie-clone. He reaches Cap'n Turbot on the Flounder just as the pie-clone arrives, and the Cap'n is nearly carried off with his weather balloon before being rescued by the other pups. Mayor Humdinger then arrives back at the cafe just as Mr. Porter is finishing a replacement batch of pies, and upon seeing his giant fan in action Ryder realizes how the pie-clone formed.
With the hot pies within the pie-clone keeping it in motion, Ryder calls Rubble and Skye to help with the situation. Using her copter harness, Skye lowers Rubble into the vortex, and he knocks pies out until the wind dissipates. The pups celebrate their success with their promised pup treat pie. Meanwhile, Mayor Humdinger's lament of not getting a pie of his own is interrupted by one landing in his hands. However, to his disgust-and the Catastrophe Crew's delight-it's filled with tuna.
Pups in Action[]
First Responders[]
- Use his megaphone to clear people out of the pie-clone's path.
- Use his tools to fix anything it broke.
- Use his water cannons to clean up whatever got hit with pies.
Backup Responders[]
- Lift Rubble up with her hook, fly him over the pie-clone, and slowly lower him into it.
- Knock all of the pies out with his shovel to cool it down and stop the spinning.