Adventure Bay is hosting a monster truck rally, featuring truckers Roxi and Boomer. However, when Boomer isn't declared the champion, he causes chaos all over Adventure Bay to prove he's the best of the best. Ryder invites Roxi to join the PAW Patrol and introduces the Pups' new Rescue Wheel vehicles just in time for them to save Adventure Bay from the havoc caused by Boomer.
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Roxi (debut)
- Bettina
- Boomer (debut)
- Cameraman
- Chickaletta
- Farmer Al
- Farmer Yumi
- Frank (debut)
- Garbie
- Mayor Goodway
- Mr. Hudson
- Mr. Porter
- Ron Rapidfire
- Sheeps
- Syd Skedaddle (debut)
- Adventure Bay residents
Out at Adventure Beach, Ron Rapidfire and Syd Skedaddle are commentating on Adventure Bay's very first Monster Truck Championship, featuring Boomer and Roxi. After being interviewed, the two pups perform a couple stunts in their monster trucks until Boomer sabotages Roxi with an oil spill, damaging her truck's front tires. Thanks to a swift lift from Rocky, Roxi rides on her back tires and stops the runaway tires from rolling into the commentators. Shortly after Mayor Goodway disqualifies Boomer for cheating, the PAW Patrol return to the Lookout with Roxi to fix her vehicle, equipping it with a couple of new features.
Meanwhile, as Boomer searches for a new crowd of fans to impress, he comes across Farmer Yumi's farm and proceeds to turn it into a monster arena, knocking over his silo, scaring his animals and flipping over his barn. As a result, Farmer Al ends up on top of the rolling silo with Garbie and calls the PAW Patrol for help. After learning of the situation, Ryder summons the pups, including Roxi, to the Lookout, which, after a Marshall wipe-out, transforms into the Rescue Wheels HQ. The pups are then suited up in their new Rescue Wheels gear, shown their new monster trucks, and briefed on the mission. Ryder assigns Roxi to stop the rolling silo, Rubble to put the barn back in place, and Skye to round up all of the animals before setting off with the three to the farm.
After taking a shortcut through the rocky terrain with their new monster trucks, Rubble digs a ditch with his big scoop for Farmer Yumi to backup into, saving her from the rolling silo. Skye uses her hook to give her a lift back to the farm while Rubble rescues Farmer Al and Garbie, and Roxi launches the silo back onto the cliff with her battering ram. As the pups fix the farm and put everything back into place, Boomer sets off for Adventure Bay, taking it over and turning it into a hazardous monster truck arena. Witnessing the destruction of her city, Mayor Goodway calls the Rescue Wheels for help, prompting Ryder to summon the rest of the pups for backup.
Back in Adventure Bay, the pups leap into action with Chase saving Mr. Porter's café from being crushed by Boomer with his tennis ball launcher, Skye using the underside of her copter to act as a railing for the train, Marshall using his water cannons to wash away Boomer's graffiti, and Roxi and Zuma teaming up to rescue Mayor Goodway, Chickaletta, and the Chickaletta statue. As the town cheers for them, Boomer grows jealous and distracted of the fast-approaching train, barely moving out of the way in time, but not without damaging one of the tracks, sending the train off-course directly toward the Rescue Wheels HQ. Boomer sees the derailed train as the perfect opportunity for a stunt, but is distracted by Roxi and stopped in a pit of mud created by Marshall.
The rest of the pups work together and use their vehicles to slow the train down, stopping it just as it nears the Rescue Wheels HQ. Afterwards, a ceremony is held in which Mayor Goodway proclaims Roxi as the Monster Truck Champion. Roxi thanks her and shares her trophy with the Rescue Wheels team, declaring them all champions. Meanwhile, back outside the Rescue Wheels HQ, Frank cleans out the mud from Boomer's engine. However, as soon as the two try to take off, the engine backfires, leaving Boomer to sulk as Frank tries to comfort him.
Pups in Action[]
First Responders (1st Emergency)[]
- Use his big scoop to dig a ditch for Farmer Yumi to back up into.
- Use her hook to carry Farmer Yumi's truck and rounds up the animals.
First Responders (2nd Emergency)[]
- Catch Farmer Al and Garbie in the back of his truck.
- Use her sticky star tires and battering ram to save the silo.
First Responders (3rd Emergency)[]
- Fix and put everything on the farm back in place.
First Responders (4th Emergency)[]
- Use the underside of her copter as a train track.
Backup Responders (4th Emergency)[]
- Use his tennis ball cannon to keep Boomer away from Mr. Porter's café.
- Use his water cannon to clean up Boomer's graffiti.
First Responders (5th Emergency)[]
Roxi + Zuma
- Use her battering ram to launch Mayor Goodway, Chickaletta, and the statue onto his buoys.
First Responders (6th Emergency)[]
- Slow the train down.
Backup Responders (6th Emergency)[]
- Use his water cannon to fill a pit with mud and stop Boomer.
First Responders (7th Emergency)[]
Rubble + Chase + Skye + Rocky + Roxi
- Stop the train.