Rupert is a traditionally animated children's television series based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear, which aired from 1991 to 1997 with 65 half-hour episodes produced. The series is produced by Nelvana, in co-operation with Cody Taylor and Ellipse Animation, in association with YTV Canada Inc., TVS Television (Season 1), Scottish Television (Seasons 2–4), and Border Television (Season 5). In the USA, the show was premiered on Nickelodeon (as part of the Nick Jr. block). Synopsis[]Rupert is a very intelligent and witty bear, and he has many friends from every corner of the world. Although he lives in a small village called Nutwood, he enjoys traveling around the world, discovering new cultures, living great adventures, unraveling mysteries and unmasking villains. The visual style of the cartoon has many European and Nordic elements, with many castles, citadels and particular styles of dress, as well as myths like elves and the Loch Ness monster. The landscapes of the Rupert Bear books, which inspired the series, were based on the regions of Snowdonia and Vale of Clwyd, in the northern part of Wales. Production[]The series was produced by Nelvana, Taylorfilms, Ellipse Animation, and TVS Television for its first season, with Scottish Television taking over for Season 2-4 when TVS officially lost its franchise; Scottish Television would subsequently become succeeded by its neighbouring station Border Television for the show's final season. Broadcast[]It was broadcast in syndication on YTV in Canada. In the United States, the series first aired on Nickelodeon as part of the Nick Jr. Channel in 1995 before moving to CBS Saturday mornings in 1999. Repeats of the series came to Disney Channel on the Playhouse Disney block, Toon Disney, and on Qubo from January 8, 2007, to July 25, 2020. The series was broadcast in the United Kingdom on CITV, Tiny Pop, and KidsCo. In Portugal, the series was broadcast during the 1990s on the RTP channel. In Australia, the series was broadcast on ABC, and later on Nickelodeon Australia, as well as on TV2 in New Zealand. It aired on RTÉ in Ireland as part of their children's block The Den. Trivia[](TBA) |