Nick Jr. Wiki

Team Umizoomi is an American TV show that began on January 25, 2010.


Milli is a six-year-old girl [1] that is the team's pattern and measurement expert. She has a magical dress that has the power to fix broken patterns and create new ones out of thin air. Her ponytails can grow to become a ruler, thermometer, or any other measurement based on her need she appears from on October 3, 2015 (Disney's The Little Mermaid).

Geo is Milli's brother, who is the team's shape expert and can build anything with his Shape Belt. With his Super Skates, Geo zooms anywhere around Umi City.
Geo is 5 years old

Bot is equipped with gadgets and gizmos, Bot is everybody's best friend. He is a mechanical marvel who loves to sing and dance. He can show anything in his Belly Belly Belly Screen.


Twenty episodes got produced in season 1, twenty-one episodes got produced for season 2, Nineteen episodes got produced for season 3, and twenty episodes got produced for season 4, giving it a total of 80 episodes.

List of Team Umizoomi episodes


The Troublemakers