The Backyardigans is a CGI-animated television series created by Janice Burgess. It aired from October 11, 2004, to July 12, 2013. The series was written and produced at Nickelodeon's studios in the United States. The animation was handled by Nelvana and Guru Studio in Canada. The first three seasons were aired on the main Nickelodeon network. Some of season four premiered exclusively on the Nick Jr. channel. PlotUniqua, Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha, and Austin are the Backyardigans: a group of five adventurous friends who embark on imaginary journeys in their shared backyard. Characters
The series focuses on a group of five singing friends. Uniqua, who was based on the creator Janice Burgess, is the main character and only Backyardigan to appear in every episode. Her four friends are Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha and Austin. Episodes
Four seasons of the series, consisting of eighty episodes, were produced.
The topic of this page has a wiki of its own: The Backyardigans Wiki.