When a windstorm sends a polar bear cub down to Adventure Bay, it is up to Ryder, Everest, and the pupsto bring the baby bear back to its family.
- Ryder
- Chase
- Marshall
- Skye
- Rocky
- Rubble
- Zuma
- Robo-Dog
- Everest
- Bunny
- Cap'n Turbot
- Jake (mentioned)
- Polar bears
Ryder and the pups are cleaning up Adventure beach after a big storm last night until they heard a foghorn from Cap'n Turbot’s Flounder. Cap'n Turbot is telling the group that he found a little iceberg that was whipped out into the far-off waters and sent it sailing to his shipping lanes docks and boats. What he didn't realize is that there is a polar bear cub still living in the ice cave from the iceberg, so the PAW Patrol must bring the cub back to Polar Bear Point.
At the PAW Patroller, Ryder assigned Rubble and Everest to do their orders. The shortest way to Polar Bear Point is cutting through the hot desert, so the rest of the pups may need to help too to get the job done this is a big all paws on deck mission. After the deployment, Rocky built some skis, so the trailer can slide through the ice. Then Rubble loads the ice cave onto the trailer, so Everest can tow it up on the highway to Polar Bear Point.
At the desert, the ice cave is starting to melt fast, so Ryder calls Marshall to have a quick cool down. The team then went to the canyon so the cave will stay in the shade, but they cannot see too far ahead. Skye soon got onto her copter, so she can have a bird's eye view to watch if there's anything ahead. She spot some blown-down cacti, so she activates her hook to pick it up, and the team continues to drive safely.
Out of the desert, Rocky got a notification that the bridge is missing some boards, so Ryder calls Zuma to help Rocky with the broken bridge. At the bridge, Zuma suggests to the use the boards from the abandoned cabin, and Rocky agrees. Zuma then uses his hovercraft to blow some boards down for Rocky, and a little wink after when there is enough. After a little building, Rocky is able to fix the bridge, and he and Zuma soon follow the PAW Patroller to Polar Bear Point.
Finally at Polar Bear Point, the cub is beginning to get homesick, and the team needs to get her back home fast. Skye then searches around Polar Bear Point, but she couldn't find any of the polar bears and needs to keep looking. Up ahead, there is snow blocking the PAW Patrol's path, so Everest uses her snow cat to get the snow out of their path. The cub is beginning to try to get out of the trailer, so Ryder calls out Chase to launch some pup treats into her cave. The pups then try to search for the cub's parents, but couldn't find anything, until Skye found them. Since she cannot leave the bears' sight, Everest decides to cut across the ice field by doing some fun slip sliding, until she realized that there is a crevasse up ahead. The crevasse gave Ryder an idea, so he knocks it down with his ATV and created an ice bridge. Thanks to him, Everest continues to her destination.
With the cub's parents, still being worried about her, Everest reintroduces their baby. At first, they were skeptical, until their cub reveals herself in the trailer, all safe and sound, much to the parents joy. Due to the cub happily reunited with her parents, she roars a thank you to the PAW Patrol for returning her home. After one more roar from the cub and her parents, the episode ends with Ryder and the pups howling and laughing.
The Great Snow Rescue: Pups Save a Windswept Polar Bear Cub/Transcript