The Little Bits, sometimes styled as The Littl' Bits, was a Japanese cartoon that originally aired on Nick Jr during its days as a programming block. It was one of several anime that were dubbed for airing on Nick Jr. The show aired on Nick Jr between May 6, 1991 and May 5, 1995.
Synopsis[]The series described the adventures of a race of tiny people who live in a simple village in Foothill Forest. It focuses on the adventures of a group of children: Lillibit, Willibit, Snagglebit, Chip, and Browniebit. Willibit is the moral role model and main protagonist, Snagglebit is the spoiled son of the mayor and is enamored by the beautiful Lillibit, but she's friends with Willibit. Browniebit is seen as a bit of a coward, and is often teased by Snagglebit because of it. And Chip, who idolizes Lillibit's uncle, Doctor Snoozabit, wants to be a doctor. There is also Willibit's younger sister Teenybit, who befriends Scarybit, an ill-tempered, superstitious old woman assumed to be a witch and shunned by the other villagers. Each episode dealt with a different concept for the young audience, including: responsibility, patience, prejudice, hard work, and the value of family and friends. |
The Little Bits