Whoopi's Littleburg is a three-part special miniseries that aired on Nickelodeon as part of its Nick Jr. block. Plot[]A young piglet named Spencer moves to Littleburg, a town called the Preschool Capital of the World. Characters[]
The series focuses on Spencer, his mother Peg Piggle, his sister Peggy, and the residents of Littleburg: Mayor Whoopi, TJ, Phil, Dave, and the Sun. Episodes[]
Three specials and a pilot were produced. Theme Song[]Whoopi's Littleburg theme song by Dr. John. Listen[]
Lyrics[]So hello world how do you do when you were on the things would i can do there's a lot things to see and do and play in Littleburg. you can make around of friends in Littleburg the there's a lot of you can ways that you can play. Sing a song Eat a snack until they met so much we're gonna wanna do today in Littleburg. Chorus: Whoopi's Littleburg!
Whoopi's Littleburg